Macromedia product u use?

Please post what cind of Macromedia Programs or lett say products that you use to creat your cool websites !

Me :-

Flash MX

I will get a copy of Freehand and Firework and Dreamweaver soon and thats the MX version too !

flash 4, flash 5, flash mx, and I’ve used Dreamweaver once or twice, but it was too diffcult for me - I like hand coding html :slight_smile:

I use pretty much just the Dreamweaver MX and Flash MX versions.

I really really really want to learn how to use fireworks but I dont have the time. From what I have heard it really speeds up the productivity though between creation of images for the web and using Dreamweaver…

i use fireworks 3, Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX and Director MX.
Im also using usin Swif.t3D, but ive only got version 1, not got my hands on v.3 yet!

Macromedia : Flash MX : Dreamweaver MX : Fireworks MX :

*Originally posted by Soulty *
**Macromedia : Flash MX : Dreamweaver MX : Fireworks MX : **


I use Freehand MX occasionally for misc things and Director (8.5) for CD authoring (not websites) - working on getting MX sooner or later though the advantages of the upgrade dont seem too inticing… what do you think of it TheOrangeOne?

Another Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX and Fireworks MX user here!

I’ve only had it a month, but so far I think Director is a wonderfull program. I haven’t used the earlier versions, but i am having no problems learning it. It uses a language similar to ActionScript (called ‘Lingo’). It’s not really suited to web design yet, but it is trying, bless it.

This program is good for interactive content and has really strong integration with flash files and quicktime. You can do basic manipulation of these files from within the director workspace.It is also the only shockwave author i am aware of.

I am still working through various tutorials, but it has all been easy going so far. Experianced flash users should have no problem using it, as there are a lot of simerlarities.

Oh yeah Director as well, lol :slight_smile:

:: you can control lingo in flash MX for Director MX , i think even Director 8.5.

Yeah Ive worked with Director 5 and up… from what I hear, the interface advantages are the biggest improvement in MX but I guess you wouldnt know too much about those comparisons starting with MX :wink: … actually I havent even thought about the demo… hmm I guess I better go see if they have one out. =)

*Originally posted by Soulty *
**:: you can control lingo in flash MX for Director MX , i think even Director 8.5. **

yeah just use getURL like with javascript :wink: instead you’re calling lingo… either event: or lingo: or even getURL striaght and snag it with on getURL in director. :wink:

they aint got a demo last time i checked. The reviews i read said there were only a few changes from the last director.

1)interface improved
2)geared more towards web development.

apart form that, i dont think they said much has changed.

personaly, i dont see it as a good web solution, just something to use for the occasional gimmick or feature.

yep :wink: good for people creating interfaces in flash and using them in director, so you dont have to make invisable buttons in director or use any of the automated script for the flash buttons to work.

Director is a great program! Especially when you add flash to it

Directors web strengths lie in its advantages in pixel handling over Flash (for games) and 3D support.

HAVOK physics 3d plugin!

downloaded DirMX - playing with it now… its nice that it uses the same 8.5 file format for some backwards compatibility but (in my desperate hopes) I just pulled a

sprite(me.spriteNum).locH += 5

and got an error… DOH! :wink: The interface is a great pluss though. Im still a little off on the blue coloring in selected panels :wink: Ill get used to it. Hopefully the upgrade isnt too horendous. I havent yet checked - Im suspecting ~ $300 ?

all of the studio mx products - every day @ some point

prefer photoshop to fireworks though…

Sen - maybe you could help me.

We are about to finish a Training CD here at work… we did it all in Flash MX. I am wondering - with all this talk of Director and how it’s good for interface and cd authoring, what are the advantages of using it instead of or with Flash MX. I am sorry to sound so stupid but I am just curious if we made the right decision to do it all in flash…

macromedia extension manager :beam:

i got studio mx so that will be flash mx, dreamweaver mx, fireworks, freehand, coldfusion, i also got fontgrapher flash 5 and DW4
and if people are including extension manager i use that as well and i may as well whack in flash player lol

just a few lol