Macromedia Introduces Director Mx


Provides developers with comprehensive Macromedia Flash integration, accessibility features, streamlined workflow, and Mac OS X support

oops, link, Check it out here: [link]

i just read the news, i’ll download the trial and comeback to u. :stuck_out_tongue:

from what I understand, it looks like Flash… on crank…


whew! thank god for this thread, the trout thread and going back and forth in time was wearing me out =)
I love macromedia…they rule buuuutttt

Macromedia Director MX, expected to ship in December, is priced at $1,199 for new users, $399 for users upgrading from versions 8.0 or 8.5, with educational pricing at $499.

bit too steep for me …

LOL @ Mak:

You can’t afford the educational price :q: :-\

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**do you know if they changed the user interface again?

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

as far as i know they say

Work faster with a highly customizable workspace that’s shared among Dreamweaver MX, Fireworks MX, and Macromedia Flash MX. The familiar and flexible working environment lets you minimize window clutter and maximize productivity.

*Originally posted by h88 *
**LOL @ Mak:

You can’t afford the educational price :q: :-\ **

Some of us have to pay rent/mortgage and food, utilities, and such. Not everybody can afford new software, even if they live with their parents, and it can be construed as rude to lol@someone in that way.



*Originally posted by reverendflash *

Some of us have to pay rent/mortgage and food, utilities, and such. Not everybody can afford new software, even if they live with their parents, and it can be construed as rude to lol@someone in that way.


Rev:elderly: **


You took me all the way wrong, what i meant, just laughing, but i was’nt laughing cuz he can’t afford the educational package! :frowning:

no harm done



There ain’t any trial for it yet!!

Oops, i though they released it, it seems that they introduced it. :open_mouth: :frowning:

maybe i could buy educatinal purposes but then would i be able to use it for commercial purposes?! :evil: i think might just do that…if they bust me i’ll say it was h88 idea :slight_smile: and he has a basement full of pr0n and w@rez
lol j/k