Displaying load progress

I have a .swf wich conatins a .mov movie, now what Im tryng to do is display a little bar where I show the load progress of the whole movie…since Im using streaming I want people to be able to see how the load progress is going as they are watching the movie…

My problem, I don’t know how to comunicate to the bar in wich frame should it stop…for the first two frames Im using a preloader, wich loads 'bout 20% of the whole movie then starts to play it, but as soon as I start playin the movie the bar doesnt move…

I tried using onClipEvent(EnterFrame) but it doesnt seem to work…I would be glad if someone could give me any ideas…

By the way this is the action Im using:

percentdone = int((_framesloaded/_totalframes)*100);

Don’t use the _framesloaded method…use the post below that Upu made. It is much better in terms of preloaders…
