Distorted Photoshop Colors? No Greys?

This is strange, just bought my friends PC and he had already installed Photoshop CS3 on it. I opened up an old file that was grayscale, but RGB mode. Everything looks tinted with purple.I converted to grayscale and it still looked purple. So I went to my color picker and those grays are tinted purple. Finally, I did a save for web and the grays are correct. Just while im in photoshop editing they look purple but save correctly. What could be causing this. I’m stumped!

It’s the color profile. In Photoshop 6 that stuff is over at Edit->Color Settings.

Pick the “Web Graphic Settings” (or something like that) profile. Then everything should be back to normal.

[quote=aho;2332820]It’s the color profile. In Photoshop 6 that stuff is over at Edit->Color Settings.

Pick the “Web Graphic Settings” (or something like that) profile. Then everything should be back to normal.[/quote]

Thanx. Now I can set it to my monitor color profile and it looks good while editing, but when I goto save, it’s back to being tinted. So i have to go back into editing it and change the color space back to being tinted so when I save it looks correct. Kinda annoying but its working for now. Do you think it’s a monitor problem? Can I get everything on the same page as far as color profiles?

Hum. Well, some image formats support embedded color profiles (I’m sure PSD does). I guess that’s the issue here. Using that odd color scheme, saving for web (as png), then changing the color profile, and finally opening that png again should fix it.