Do webdesigners actually make it?

I make web sites for fun:) if some one says want some money for what you do best I say why the hell not;)

I dont see anything wrong with your footer. … ok ok ok, maybe it shrunk a little, but that ultimately saves bandwidth consumption so its all good :hugegrin:


The most important thing to understand is that not everyone could/should be there own boss. Some are just cutout for the 9-5 scene. I myself have always felt I had leadership qualities, not to mention this has been a goal of mine for sometime. Like Kit says she is happy with where she is at but also knows she has the goods to be a contractor. Happiness goes a long way.

It’s very interesting to see how people react when they ask what But if I was going to type anything else out to add to this conversation, I would be saying everything CanaidanGuy already said.

I’d say designing sites, print, etc for 6 years, working for myself and on my own, could be considered successful. =)

this is absolutely true. My wife for example, is a person that cannot live without the security of a weekly paycheck and a daily schedule. I’m the opposite, I love to make my own schedule, and the money part doesn’t bother me at all so long as I get paid for the work I do. It’s definitely a choice, and where you are happy is definitely key. I’ll never be happy working for someone else, I know that in absolution.

I agree. Way to go! :wink:

lol. Btw another perk about being self employed is that I can chat it up on k-forums whenever I want and I just took a 50 min. workout break 'cause i felt like it.

lol. About the getting paid part. Yea I have some outstanding balances I’ve been waiting for and it kind of sucks waiting. :lol:

hey dru your from cleveland? Im from youngstown about an hour away from you! Thats cool I finally found a person thats close to me on the board. Anyways I appriciate what everyone has told me so far! I have got a couple of sites that Ive spent a good ammount of time on to make sure that there extra special but I really do think that if I tried hard enough that I could get some more clients. I was actually thinking about going to the government and seeing about getting a small business grant and maybe opening up a shop and getting some descent advertisment along with maybe hiring in a few internship multimedia people from the local college that way we could all get what we want. If I was to go that route I would also be offering web hosting and need a building to store equipment etc… I still havent decided what road to go down yet but Ive taken everyones advice in stride!

   Its been easier for me to really grow doing this as quickly as I have because I have a pretty solid IT background behind me... I know that you wouldnt think that would help design and really it doesnt but because of the experience that I have as a sys admin and db admin it makes it easier for me to understand the coding and the functions because I kinda understand how they interact with the computer itself. But I am going for the goal right now of what I want to do instead of just doing whatever.... I have been a network admin for 4 years (went to school and got MCSE/MCP/MCSA/MCDBA/MCSI/+A/+I/NET/CITRIX/ETC.) so I have put alot of time and efforts into the career Im currently in but SUPRISE I have 0 compasion for it anymore and I also cant take the corporate bozo!!! Ive been screwed 1 to many times by that one. I think thats why I agree most with canadian guy the same exact words have slipped off my tounge many a time and Im through having someone be the boss over me... my family is full of self employeed people and they have all been successful and I see no reason why I cant be because Ive had lesser ambition in things Ive done before and succedded so why would I not succede in what means the most to me?  

thanks for the input I really appriciate it,

An Ex Dj, Chef, Software / web developer Degree holder from National institute of Information Technology , learnt hardware in those 4 years, developed interest in designing, leant all what i do on my own…started freelancing, in between i joined 2 companies.

My Record

1st company : Banned
2nd company : Bank Corrupt

Decided, i ai’nt gona kill another one, turned to freelancing, had contacts as my dadz business chain goes almost allover the world, started getting contacts thru him…then i kinda speard allover, sply in uk…70% of my clients are from there…uk designing firms, adverts, print, logo design, cd promoz. almost alll of my work is contracted…no name but good money :slight_smile: i have also lost a lot of money at times but all worth it and i learnt my lessons one by one, i dont take any indian clients from allover the world.NEVER EVER trust an indian who tells you that he’s gona pay 50% after the job is online on their server!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes at times therez a lot of money and not much of a name or recognition, i do think opening up a company if u have a group of great designers & developers, whome u can trust to stay togather in high and low times is far much better then freelancing.

I started off way back doing Inter / Intra net. As Kit will confirm the problem nowadays is that the ease of content management systems stifles a bit of creativity for large sites. Flash isn’t as easy to use on large sites due to its need for compiling and its not really something that can be updated by none techies. unless you’re using a site to sell and need the wow factor or to be in the top 10% then to a certain extent creativity is limited. I hated doing my own sites after coming home from a day at work managing intranet / sustain corporate internet which had a direction from management where nothing too flashy could be used suffice to say the internet site is functional but very dull. Now I have very limited time in that area as I only manage a web interface for E-Self service on the intranet (and even this is to come to an end as I have a new job anyway) I enjoy my web development outside work time.

Youngstuckey! Nice! I’ve been there a few times, played some shows with your local boys Cyrus.(Not sure if your into the local music scene). Youngtown, also known for their ahem Chinese massage parlors…but I would’nt know anything about that. :lol:

I think it was DDD who mentioned before, that it takes a certain kind of person and attitude to work for themselves. (I’m too lazy to scroll up because I’m self-employed):lol:

Just remember that success won’t happen over night, take your time, don’t rush, put out great work, and bust your arse. Things will fall into place eventually.:wink:

check out these great tips on freelancing… Basement College has got some good info…

Not to take anything away from you but I think any job that you walk away from at the end of the day thinking you’ve achieved something regardless of how much money you make is a good job

But if you’re happy doing the design for someone else then so be it.

Working for yourself maybe great as you get the profits but if you’re not cut out for all the searching for contracts and negociating agreements and all that then you may not enjoy working for yourself in the long run

that is a very good link. I disagree with a few points but all in all, good stuff there.

<<< Best Job Ever.

I do web design, web development, networking, IT, programming (xml/php/sql), and database management for a small business. Basically, I sit around on kirupa forums all day until a problem arises. I also have projects every month or so, and get paid 18 bucks an hour to do it. I also go to college full time.

CanadianGuy: I understand your point, and I do a lot of “side work” for myself too, but a 9-5 in the right situation is KILLER. 1400 bucks a paycheck every two weeks for not doing much work is great. I’m basically paid for my knowledge and ability to fix issues way faster and more thouroughly than anyone they’ve had before. They actually let the old networking guy go because I knew more than he did, and I was just a temporary web development guy. I guess I might get more satisfaction out of a job where I’m busy and stuff all the time, but my satisfaction comes when I get home and I know I have nothing to worry about (except maybe a term paper or two). :smiley:

Hmmm…well if my I came off as if I’m in this for the money then I mispoke. Money has never been a good motivator for me and I don’t think it ever will be. I’m sure most self employed people will tell you that the most rewarding part of their work is being ‘self sufficient.’

Zero it sounds great. Jump right in and before you know it great stuff starts happening. (none of this take it slow/start from the bottom crap like I was told):lol:

Yea Disco, I’m not happy unless I’m doing something new on a daily basis. I don’t know? It makes me feel important. :lol: I’m the type of person that needs constant praise to stay motivated and I’ve never found that in ‘regular’ jobs. Maybe I just never had the right boss.

yea if you are serious I would say go ahead and jump in the deep end the pool. I grew up with this saying my grandfather always told me “Scared money cant make money” and it has done well for me thus far.

They actually let the old networking guy go because I knew more than he did, and I was just a temporary web development guy.

Corporate cut-throat, which can happen anytime. Theres always going to be someone next in line to try and take your job. Im sure your up on your sh*t since your here @ kirupa, so you don’t have anything to worry about.:lol:
It sux but thats the way it is.

@CG, sounds like you’ve worked for quite a few Bill Lumbergs in the past.

@DDD & CG, If your commenting on an earlier post of mine, I mean for him to be patient. By all means, jump right in and start getting jobs, but do not get discouraged when your working for close to nothing, or for free for that matter.

oh I make A LOT of it. :wink:
I do it all the time
it’s all I want to do.
there’s more work available, expoenentially, every day.

oh yeah…did I mention that intelligent, extremely hot, undersexed, ‘unbelievably-hot-in-those-glasses’ women think flashers are well-hung stallions? I:-)

:lol: DDD I love that quote! Your grandfather sounds like one cool guy!

@dru no I was just speaking in general. I’ve encountered more than enough naysayers and know-it-alls and I guess they’ve kind of warped my mind a little. Looking back I’m glad I did it like Frank Sinatra. :smiley: