DO = Display Object
Hi there! I have simple issue i need help with… googled for a while to no avail…
I have created an example movie with a button(type MovieClip), added CLICK event like this:
myButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick );
onButtonClick() triggers correctly, all good.
Next i added a TextField (or MovieClip, Sprite…) above the button.
Now when i publish the movie, and try to click the button (under the added DO), the MouseEvent.CLICK ( or MOUSE_DOWN, whatever… ) doesnt trigger anymore, probably because the DO which is now above the button eats the MouseEvent.
So what i wanna do is dispatch the MouseEvent into each DO that is under my mouse cursor, not only the top-most DO in the hierarchy.
…was trying and fixed this like 2 years ago (bluntly remember i used something else than MOUSE_DOWN / CLICK), but left AS3.0 programming at that time and now trying to do the same second time [aaa :]
Thanks for your help!