Do you ever stop working?

Hello all,

It’s Saturday night and I’m working again. Well, actually I’m kinda working. I’ve got a beer cracked and I’m back and forth between my work and kirupa forums.

The reason I’m “working” tonight is 'cause I have a meeting on Tuesday for a rather big client and I want to ‘wow’ them. I’m not stressed or discontent but for the past two months it seems that working and the weekend come hand in hand.

I was wondering if you guys are ‘workacholics’ like me? I only ask because a lot of my friends get pissy when I’m not up for going out, getting wasted and picking up chicks. They all work for someone at ‘normal’ jobs so I don’t think they understand where I’m coming from. I would’ve enjoyed painting the town tonight but I know I wouldn’t have gotten anything done tommorrow and I’d feel a tremendous amount of guilt. I like the satisfaction I feel by relying on my own wits to earn a paycheck and I don’t think I’ll ever work a 9-5 job again.

Anyways, can any of you guys relate to what I’m saying? I’d like to hear you thoughts because my work and my friends are very important to me but where do I draw the line? Right now it feels like I’m in a no win situation.