What do you do?

what do you do where your not here posting.

im a student and i work on the weekends. then i post here when im not doing anything. (notice im here alot)=)

i go to school 3 times a week
co-op 2 times (like internship)
i have 1 part time job (usually weekends)
and another part time job, tutoring wed;frid&saturdays

but i still find the time to be bored. :sigh:

I work on researching and devlopement and other stuff… As in working wiht local clients…

Or I try to make new experiemtns…
Somedays I go and work… hehe

i go to school 3/4 time right now. work around 30 hours and have freelance projects lined up for weekends and after 5. holy ****. i’m never bored. but i want to be sometimes.

Theres such a thing as other stuff???

OOOOOOpppps, I bet my family must thing I am dead.

Nah, I am looking for a job right now, and I hang out with my girlfriend, and when I can, my friends.

I’m a web developer at the dept of labor. I need to take some classes during the summer and the fall, and then go back to MIT in december, but right now I’m doing absolutely nothing else… i go home from work and play xbox.

school… 10th grade… whoo
i also work 4:30 - 9 5 nights a week…
so basically i have no life cuz im always at work or school
but im bringin in around 120 bucks a week… so im cool with it… not bad for my first job i dont think
oh… and all the time im not at those places im either here or learning actionscript from a book(lately at least)… and when my friends arent busy we occasionally do stuff… fun fun

ohhhh. i remember 10th grade. i was a huge dork. to think that i will be graduating from college in december. my how time goes by.

i remember it to
i am a huuuuuuuuuuuuge dork
except im like failing everything and stuff… so i guess im not a dork that way
im a s…s…skater… AHHHH…
i better go get linched

i used to be a punk girl in high school.

I was always me…lol. I can’t be categorized really. Sometimes I am punk, sometimes I am preppy, sometimes I am emo, sometimes I am goth-like. I wear what I like and think is comfortable, so my wardrobe is quite accentric…hehe and I act kind of weird all of the time.

well i have calmed down quite a bit and i can’t dress crazy anymore cause of work. no torn jeans or t shirts :((

i still like all the music i did in high school.

I go to school 8am - 2pm 5 days a week and I work at a printing company as their Production Artist from 3 pm - 7 pm 5 days a week as well.

The cool thing about my job is, when ever there’s nothing to do at work, I get to come on the forum and post or just goof off and still get paid. =)

On the weekends, I do whatever I want, usually posting here or doing freelance web design.

work, work, and…work? did i mention work?
I hate work, and I hate the idea of having to work my whole life just to gain “happieness and normalcy” im sure no body knows what im talking about b/c you dont know me. but there;s alot more to that statment. anyway…yea, i WORK, and I olny post on here at work b/c I have nothing else to do.

I work in marketing communications for a company that makes EMI Shielding and Thermal Management materials during the day.

Nights I juggle the GYM and freeance web design.

Weekends I drink Miller Light