Nope… This one comes from when I was web designer for a magazine a few years back. At the front, we had the obligatory list of people who worked on the mag, and a topic for each month. We had “The Snoop team and what Santa should bring them for Christmas” and "“The Snoop team and what film they would be”.
It was the Simpsons 10th Anniversary, so we had which (non-mainstream) Simpsons character we would be. I was dubbed Malibu Stacey (must be the blonde hair), so that kind of stuck while I worked there…
burns is my fav. classic “release the hounds!” ahh…but…every simpsons character is bad a**. Homer would have to be my second. hmmm…there are so many good ones.
that one line where they are talking about going to the moon and homer is like “you’ve never been?” HAHAHAHAHHAHH…ahh, that’s so funny. hopfully u will know what episode i’m talking about.