Do you have a simpsons character?

Do you have a simpsons character?
For me, there’s a character named Raphael… (my name is spelled Rafael)

he’s the third dude from the left…

… He’s the clerical type… Last time I saw him, he letting Sideshow Bob live in a storage space rental unit for 2 dollars a day…



what always cracks me up is the way the simpsons portray teenage kids, like the ones that work at the fast food stores, their voices crack me up :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Homer is an inspiration 2 us all…

You gotta love his attitude to the most important things in life…

i.e. mmmmmmmm beer

he says it all…

::::: AnOraK :::::

Malibu Stacey.

It’s a long story. :slight_smile:

smithers favourite toy!, lol, how about the lisa doll??

Nope… This one comes from when I was web designer for a magazine a few years back. At the front, we had the obligatory list of people who worked on the mag, and a topic for each month. We had “The Snoop team and what Santa should bring them for Christmas” and "“The Snoop team and what film they would be”.

It was the Simpsons 10th Anniversary, so we had which (non-mainstream) Simpsons character we would be. I was dubbed Malibu Stacey (must be the blonde hair), so that kind of stuck while I worked there…

Ralph! He’s so cool! The hair, the brains… :wink:

i bet david is the third from the right :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ralphie: “Why does everyone run away from me?” pees his pants

that’s right… I have TWO simpsons characters… I had forgotten about ralphie.

I love the way he says Supernintendo Chalmers

Hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

“And, when the doctor said I didn’t have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life.”

“the dwarf tells me to set things on fire”

“Eww, Daddy, this tastes like Gramma!”

burns is my fav. classic “release the hounds!” ahh…but…every simpsons character is bad a**. Homer would have to be my second. hmmm…there are so many good ones.

that one line where they are talking about going to the moon and homer is like “you’ve never been?” HAHAHAHAHHAHH…ahh, that’s so funny. hopfully u will know what episode i’m talking about.

an artist friend made this for me

that’s so cool!! I wanna be a simpsons char.:slight_smile: