Doctored Photo? (on The News)

It looks doctored to me… ?…HYzBHNlYwN0bXA-

My guess is yes, it looks fake to me too.

yeah it certainly dosent look right look at the lighting on him compaired tot he background.

Those plants sure look wrong

hella fake, looks like the Mel Gibson from South Park.

^ :lol::lol:

haha yea that’s a bad photochop job

lol so fake rofl -

Wow, it looks like a real-life low-poly model man.

totally South Park style haha

OMG that bridge is near my house!

so fake…

it does look mega fake. I don’t really understand why the family would doctor it tho… I mean if he’s a suicide bomber holding a gun, why doeshe need to be in a leafy autumn park? We wouldn’t judge him on a more realistic background, say in his house… I can understand maybe the family were in the orginally and didn’t want to show their faces, then just use a mosiac tile on your face…

Can anyone think of a decent reason to photoshop him in a park?

They need to get some of the designers from ( to contact the family and offer them their services :wink:

Did anyone check some oftyhe other photos? Looks at this dudes beard,;_ylt=Asb1O3jhYufd.kU5.RgqW6HlWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGcyMWMzBHNlYwNzc25hdg–?sp=-1&lsp=6000;_ylt=AiN63aUgBB5nALz9vy9XCnrlWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGcyMWMzBHNlYwNzc25hdg–?sp=-1&lsp=6000

If you look closely you can see some arabic looks like a picture of a tv screen

lol that looks terrible.

that’s excellent, read the story that goes along with it

“suicide bomber” … " still alive"… how can yahoo and AP be so stupid? :krazy:

i have a picture of George Bush rolling on the floor in front of the white house on FIRE ,… i think this was edited as well from yahoo, i will look for it and post

damn, the edges in the hair give it away, and the lighting:)

Hmmm, are you suggesting someone put your head on that guys body? (-:

I did it :wink:

Link now fixed