Document height

Hi all

I’m using the script below to generate snow/fairy dust.

However I need it to begin falling not from the top of the flash file, but about 300px from the top. And the script will vary this slightly which is what I need.

Can someone let me know how to achieve this? I gather it involves reversing where the swf defines the beginning of ‘height’ (bottom as opposed to top) or somesuch…



init = function () {
    width = 573;
    // pixels 
    height = 434;
    // pixels 
    max_snowsize = 20;
    // pixels 
    snowflakes = 40;
    // quantity 
    for (i=0; i<snowflakes; i++) {
        t = attachMovie("snow", "snow"+i, i);
        t._alpha = 25+Math.random()*50;
        t._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        t._y = -(height/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*height);
        t._xscale = t._yscale=50+Math.random()*(max_snowsize*10);
        t.k = 1+Math.random()*2;
        t.wind = -1.5+Math.random()*(1.4*3);
        t.onEnterFrame = mover;
mover = function() {
    this._y += this.k;
    this._x += this.wind;
    if (this._y>height+150) {
        this._y = -20;
    if (this._x>width+20) {
        this._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        this._y = -20;
    } else if (this._x<-20) {
        this._x = -(width/2)+Math.random()*(1.5*width);
        this._y = -20;
