what did you end up doing? i think i got it down now… new problem is, movies loaded onto lag due to all the graphics suckin up memory in the lower layers… i cant unload the backgrounds cause they need to be immediatly available when the user clicks a nav button… trickey trickey… http://jfreeden.com/sites/pfmw/
well, actually, i changed the animation, instead of fading in, i had err…umm…check the transition on my site, i dunno how the heck to explain, they are visible while the random background/gallery loads.
(i’m not trying to draw attention to my site, i just honestly dont know how to describe my transition )
Lag: No lag here. Running AthlonXP 3200+, 512 DDR, on IE
I know a lot of people were having lag problems. Often fading is a big bane of flash for creating lag, ecspecially large images. At least that’s what I’ve noticed. One way around having all the movies playing in the background is to load them into seperate movie clips and turn them on/off on specific frames.
Design: I like pretty much everything but the fonts. They do not seem to go right with the style and the one’s at the bottom are very hard to read. Other than that, you could use rollovers/outs for the buttons and the bottom of the contact form goes completely white at the bottom and looks a littl weird.
No lag on my system:
AMD 1,2 GHz
512 MB DDR
GForce 4 MX
For the site:
I like the design, the font is ok for me.
The text could be a bit darker.
I think that the site in general could use a bit more contrast.
When looking at the images I get the impression of looking at them through milk glass.
It is not the soft-focus effect but the lack of color in the images.
The images’ motives are good and the fading-effect is quite tasteful.
best regards
how do you disable a movie clip without unloading it, if i can free up some memory, then i can bring back the rich images