Does this lag on your system, and what are you running

does this lag on your system and what are ya runnin approx… thanks i need to know if i can continue…

Yeah this lags on my PC and I have a P3 1Gig - 512 SD-RAM - 20 gig harddrive - Radion 128MB graphics card

Yeah, it does here, too. This is my work PC though, so you can’t expect too much. It is a P4 1.5Ghz. the graphics card is a generic ‘office’ type one (no dedicated 3d hardware).

If I remember, I’ll try it when I get back home.

hmm, it is all AS based, im pretty sure it lags cause of the 5 MC background are loaded all at once for background rotations… i dont have preloaders yet, but i dont think that is gonna help in this case… i have however run it on another home computer and it is as smooth as butter… but my 2 year old laptop lags… it dosent look terrible but it is definatly noticable… any suggestions?

speed up the alpha tweens, and make sure you use delete onEnterFrames when animations are done.

3Ghz P4 (1 gig ram) definite notice of slowdown. You can’t expect much coming from large faded images with a translucent box moving over them. You might want to drop the box, fade, then move the box to where it needs to be after the fade… and, like bobdoe said, speed it up a bit (ie use less frames) - the less frames you have to lag through the less the lag seems.

Are you fading an image in and an image out at the same time? If so, that definately doesn’t help either. How many frames per second are you running?

30 fps… im fading in and out… here is a sample of the actionscript, anyone got anything better??


setProperty(“obj1”, _alpha, “0”);
setProperty(“obj2”, _alpha, “0”);
setProperty(“obj3”, _alpha, “0”);
setProperty(“obj4”, _alpha, “0”);
setProperty(“obj5”, _alpha, “0”);


function setPositions()

flPos = frame.frameLeft._y;
flWidth = frame.frameLeft._width;
ftWidth = frame.frameTop._width;
flHeight = frame.frameLeft._height;
frame.frameTop._y = flPos;
frame.frameTop._x = flWidth;
frame.frameRight._y = flPos;
frame.frameRight._x = frame.frameTop._x + ftWidth;
frame.frameRight._height = flHeight;
frame.frameBottom._y = flHeight - frame.frameBottom._height;
frame.frameBottom._width = ftWidth;
frame.frameBottom._x = flWidth;


function resizeFrame(v,nWidth,nHeight)
owidth = frame.frameTop._width;
wDiff = nWidth-oWidth;
wMove = wDiff/v;
frame.frameTop._width = oWidth+wMove;

oHeight = frame.frameLeft._height;
hDiff = nHeight-oHeight;
hMove = hDiff/v;
frame.frameLeft._height = oheight+hMove;


function setFramePos(v,nxPos,nyPos)
xPos = frame._x;
xDiff = nxPos-xPos;
xMove = xDiff/v;
frame._x = xPos+xMove;

yPos = frame._y;
yDiff = nyPos-yPos;
yMove = yDiff/v;
frame._y = yPos+yMove;


Frame 10

MovieClip.prototype.fadeTo = function(value, speed) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.aV = Math.floor(value-this._alpha);
this.aV ? this._alpha += this.aV/speed : (this._alpha=value, delete this.onEnterFrame);
// example useage
obj1.fadeTo(90, 8);

i have the ovjects fading to 90% thinkin that if they dont have to go that last 10 % it will be quicker and easier for the cpu… as far as the onenterframes, i got to see if and where i used that. thanks again. let me know if you got any berrer actionscript.

i am using this.onEnterFrame, how do i close it?

its not the AS, its simply what you’re doing. You just need to tone it down a bit. Fading only one image should help a lot (fading in the top over the lower which will remain unfaded).

hmm ill get diggin in and see what i can do… thanks

ok people here is v.2, background graphics are half the filesize and half the opacity helping out the load… and again… let me know if she lags, thanks

I didn’t notice any…

P4 2.0 Ghz
64MB GeForce FX 420
Firefox .93

no lag here 2

thanks, you like the layout so far btw?

hey, i know you didnt ask about your fonts or anything, but i might think about changing that italic script font. it looks nice and elegant but its not legible and clear…at least not at that size.

you talkin about the address and terms at the bottom?.. i agree, i was just tryin to keep fonts down to 3… it is the same font as the nav… maybe if i do it all in caps or something it will be better, ill check it out. thanks

yeah those were the ones i was talking about. cheers for keeping that font count low. its definately unified because of it. i might try something a little simpler like maybe futura or a fff font?

ill try some things and repose later on, thanks lion

i had similar problems as you have, but that was because i faded in and out large images. And looking at your site, you seem to do that too