Domain theft, sorta

How-diddly-oh peoples

A couple nights back I was really bored and I bought another domain name and hosting space through because I like to waste money like that. Well anyway, it hasn’t propogated yet so I can’t use it. But look at this.

What’s with that wierd crap on there? Is that legal or what’s up? Can people just steal the space until it’s propogated? I don’t quite get what’s goin on here.

I’m not upset or anything, just kind of confused.

I think that is allowed. As long as the domain exists, I figure the domain company might as well try to profit from it…considering everybody clicks on those links. Once you transfer it to an actual server, those should go away - until then, you will have to suffer that fate =)

Aw poo
Oh well…
sheesh though… 12 to 72 hours to propagate… I wan’t my toy now.

Kirupa, I almost bought but I decided to not be an idiot, just for you:beam:

thx :slight_smile:

try buyin domains through You can get a .com domain for 3 yrs for like 25$. **** good deal. I just bought 1 last night for 6$ for a year.

i like my reg fly…hehe i was about to do that too 28 then set the dns to here cuase i always type that in :stuck_out_tongue:

dont worry it will kick in soon. but mine was like a half hour :P. i would just try and ftp it htough…you never know.

I have tried
a billion times
or so

reads mind you got a temp server right? hmm spam the boards over at dr2 and ask if he can se whats going on.

naw… that would be mean
but yeah i do have everything loaded on the temp server…

The only thread alive at this time (3am UK) :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

I :love: soul

:love: you too

i didnt mean spam like that, just post and ask if he can bump you up!

I love soul


I love soul this many [---------------------------------------------------]