I'm so dumb

I have been wanting my own .net or .com or anything account for so long and today my wish finally came true. But guess what, I registered xviii.net … and that just doesnt help… so i became quickly discouraged and cancelled my account… so much for that:( :frowning:

why did you cancel it?

i did it and i am taking a long shot by doing this but i try mostly anything. i think you should go ahead with it because sooner or later the domain name will not be available.
i tryed to regester a domain name and i just typed it in 10 min ago (earlyer today) and i went back ant it was taken.:frowning:

yeah… i dunno… i might go back to it… but im not worried about the name… or really the money either… i dunno why im not…
i dont really have a need for a site tho… not good enough at anything to waste the space.

haha any you think i am. i only had mx fot a week now and i am already working on a site. its a trial and error type of deal. and im giving it a shot.
if you decide to go back and get it, just dont give up and keep working on it.

yeah… thats pretty cool… i wanted a site for like 3 years… i finally have the money and i wuss out! GO ME!

so can i get some peoples oppinions on this? just pretend to care… for me?
should i buy a site and expirement with it
should i keep usin the free stuff since no one cares anyways?

Honestly, I think you should continue using the free stuff until you’re skills improve. You will only be wasting your money right now if you’re paying for a domain name and hosting while you’re still learning and experimenting.

But if you want to just buy the domain name and save it so that no one takes it then that’s cool too, but don’t buy any hosting service for now.

since you have an amazing site and your good at everything mr. geek, i am gonna take your advice… those are good points
thanks yous

If you want it, and can afford it, then why not?

oh great
the two biggest geniouses in all of kirupaville are saying different things… now what do i do?
both have good points
both have giant brains…
dunno what to do… crap

Well EG is right… the domain name buy it to save it and make sure no one steals it (if you are worried about that). But while your practicing and learning… go with the free hosting.

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**oh great
the two biggest geniouses in all of kirupaville are saying different things… now what do i do?
both have good points
both have giant brains…
dunno what to do… crap
:q: **

LOL!!! Well what lost is saying is true too, if you have the money then go a head and get it, but if you’re tight on money then it will be a waste to buy something when you don’t need it yet.

I’ve seen so many cool domains out there, but when you visit the site, it looks like cr@p because the designer is still learning so what’s the point of having a domain if all you have on there is cr@p?

i have gained enough confidence to try it out and expirement with a domain name. i have been wanting it for along time and i had some extra cash laying around and i said what the hell, and baught it=)

On the other hand…

When I was just starting with HTML, I bought a domain (2muchfun.com), and used it for an experimentation site. 2 years later, I sold the domain to Kraft foods for $4k cash.

Rev’s moral?

If you can afford it, why not have your own domain? You won’t have to worry about ads, you get your “own” email… And it makes you “The Geek of the Party” … great for picking up Geek Chicks :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah… i hate thinking about stuff for too long… and im not tight on money or anything… i just got a raise so everything is cool :beam:
so yup… tomorrow im gonna buy it… good thing i got all your ideas and thoughts so i could just decide on my own… score one for the dumb kid…
maybe ill get good at something really fast and blow everyone away
or… or maybe not… yeah

yep buying a web domain = more time here asking questions! woohoo=)

yay… maybe ill be one of the cool people with thousands of posts:P

just like me. j/k =)

yes, i can be just like alex… and then some day electrongeek or jubba or even… dare i say it? lostinbeta gasp
:stuck_out_tongue: (-:

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**oh great
the two biggest geniouses in all of kirupaville are saying different things… now what do i do?
both have good points
both have giant brains…
dunno what to do… crap
:q: **

lead me to these big brained people, i shall enjoy feasting on them :bad:

anyways, i have nothing to say as of now so if you don’t mind, i am getting hungry and i am HUNGRY FOR BRAINS!!!

[image edited by reverendflash - pm mak for link if you wish]