Don't pizz off your old lady!

Some woman can be evil!

EVIL BUTTON :!: :evil:

The first thing I though: hmmm… very precise cuts she got in there!

yeah… a woman with a power tool could not cut such straight lines. :slight_smile:

ducks the rocks

runs away

hahahah, that’s hilarious. I wonder how that really happend. I don’t belive it was really a wife that did that. like ren said…very nice cuts!

Hey that’s a lot better than cutting off his you know what. :trout:

john bobbit style!

If some girl did that over not getting her fake tits with the money that I earned I would be fu**ing pissed!

lol, it would be halarious it this was a true story, but that looks like it had to be more…

if my woman went aggro on my plane because of her flat tits, there’d be a murder on the news