Draggable Buttons

Ok I posted a message last week about this, but haven’t really got much further with it.

Basically I have button contained in a movie clip (scroller), I want to be able to drag the button up and down and get this to move some dynamic text.

If you want to have a look at the fla: http://www.furious5.co.uk/test/news.fla

Jubba suggested the following code for the button:

   _root.nFlag = true
   _root.nFlag = false

And this code for the mc:

      if(_root._ymouse <= 400 && _root._ymouse >= 0){
         this._y = _root._ymouse

My problem is that this only moves the button up and down, and doesn’t move the dynamic text. Plus when the mc is named scroller it seems to conflict with code and moving the button doesn’t work.

Can anyone suggest some modifications to the code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you want to make a text scroller:http://actionscript.org/tutorials/intermediate/scrolling_a_text_box_II/index.shtml

pom :cowboy: