Draggable menu help

hey, i pieced this menu together from various tutorials… however, i can figure out how to get the buttons to actually work! i want to click on that first one and have it load another .swf into a blank keyframe, but it wont work… can somebody help me out?


maybe you can use the call function action


it didnt work… the problem is that the buttons dont seem to do anything when i click on them… does this have anything to do with the various masks or something?
when i put a button outside of the menu, and i tell it to

on (release) {
loadMovie(“Mymovie.swf”, “container”);

where “container” is the instance assigned to my blank keyframe which i want the .swf to load into… it works, the external .swf loads perfectly… but when i put the exact same code into the menu, it doesnt work… does anyone have any idea why?

anyone have any idea whats up?

Is something like this you wanted?
(click the green button.)

i believe so… thanks a bunch man…

No problem