some suggestions and comments would be great!!!
Hey Sherwin,
First thanks for the comments on my site I got your feedback!
Second I checked your site and its really cool man, It loads really smoothly and fast nice transitions. The only thing that bothered me was the first image (sky) I think thats an amazing photo only if you did not play with it, with radical blur and those effects you added . what I suggest is keep the image like it was originaly and you might add some birds flying and maybe a sun on the corner. Or some other flash effects.
all best and keep up the good work!.
thanks man, thanks for the comments and suggestions, i think your right, maybe ill remove the motion blur effect, and just add some tiny elements for it in replace for the blinking and motion blur!!! thanks again!!!
nice - nothing that hasn’t been seen repeatedly before, but nice.
a few suggestions/comments:
consider making the text used in your scroller in the ‘about us’ section into an image rather than flash text. when scrolling, the text appears very blurry and is as such difficult to focus on and an eyesore.
some sections have noticeable lag with regards to loading time. parts of your portfolio section and your old site seem to be loading before any notice of preloading arrives.
i like how your site doesn’t have a recurring concept in the sections. each section is different and diverse, much like a dream, which is what i assume you were going for. good work in that regard.
thanks a lot for the feedback and comments liam!!! cheers!!!
its ok… fix up that cloud image its fuzzy
awsome site. nothing much else to say
very cool! your image quality is low, change the quality because some images are high quality and some are pixelated and/or low quality
thanks man!. really? some of my images are pixelated? its fine in my computer, like what images you think are low quality so i could change it? thanks man!
I took a screen shot and stuff
hej …
great job … there’s only one big “BUT” …
the “cloud” image on your main page really looks pixelated/blurred …
u should really change that cause it makes the site look really crappy … and it isn’t !!
i really don’t understand that u didn’t notice that yourself …
i mean … the entire site oozes coolness … the rest of the images/artwork is looking so clean and crisp and the flash part
is also really nice ( i know … u were probably high on some kind of
experimental drug when u decided to use the cloud image )
so seriously … get rid of that image and your site will definately
be a strong contender for the “SoW” award ( i think)
i hope i didn’t offend u cause that is not my intention
Thanks! man, ofcourse im not offended, i needed that one! and ill surely do what you told me, im beginning to realized that also ( Cloud thing ) hehehe,
anyway thanks a lot man for your comments and suggestions!!! cheers
no problemo dude … if u need photo;s of skies and stuff
check out they got plenty
wonderfull man
it is really great
i like the loading
thanks for the comments!!! cheers!!!