Heres my site:
be harsh. :afro:
Ok. Your loading page nearly gave me a seizure. I really dislike that flashing LOADING text. Also I really hate when sites just tell me it’s loading and don’t give me a percentage or status bar.
The rest of the site seems to fit your style. I think the clouds are moving around a little too fast and the flying in boxes seem a little hokey.
Overall it seems like you’ve put some good work into it.
Speed up the flying boxes, higher frame rate transitions.
you said harsh right? I loooove the background! Is it image trace? And what about the clouds? It looks real good anyway, and it must have taken a while!
The rest of the site looks ok, but I agree with^
The clouds as links looks a bit cheap. It would be nice if the background image chanched with the links, you know? But overall nice work:)
looks like struck design (or an attempt i should say), its pretty nice but i could do without the blinking preloader. Nice site.
ok, i am working on a new preloader now and i’ll post when i am done with it.
I never really liked it anyway.
the backround is image trace + sky, i didn’t like a image traced sky. Th clouds were done with photoshop.
ok, changed the preloader, tell me what you think.
I like this preloader much better but as for the other things I would have to say it is a very solid site although the clouds could use some work though they look a bit cheap as slumgutt mentioned.
I had one idea about the clouds…
I was thinking of changing the colour of the rollover text to the same shade of gray as the services section, what do you think?
Beyond that i cant improve on the clouds. My PS skills arent arent that incredible so i really dont know how to make them better. If someone has a tutorial that would help me with that i would greatly appreciate it.