
here’s a new image of mine…was originally intending to make a wallpaper, thus the size of 1024x768
maybe i’ll convert it into a wallpaper some time (now i’ve got some sch hw to rush up on)


comments/critisms please

wow, I like it, love the colors, but I think the red is a bit too strong though. Still very nice and nice concept as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, i like this a lot!

like eg said, the red is a tad bit strong, because my eye is brought
to that part of the image first and it really sticks out.

Even still, that’s fabulous work. Make it into a wallpaper, I’d love
to use it. =)

thanks for the compliments:love:

i’ve lowered the opacity of the red layer down abit, i do agree that it was abit strong before :slight_smile:

and uh…i suppose you could use this as a wallpaper the way it is, yea? (actually i’m lazy…feel free to make your own wallpaper collage with it :P)

oh, I really like that. how did you get those effects, good job. nice.

i used the usual wave filter/fade wave effect and then used polar coordinates at the end.
yea and then add some dodge to brighten it up

very nice :A+:

cool colors, nice contrast and effects. perfect title =)

very pretty. would make a good wallpaper too.

yeah, I can use it the way it is.

I took it and increased the canvas size so it would fit my
1280x1024 res without distorting. Looks great! :wink:

omg! I wis hI could do pics like that!
That’s awesome man!

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it werks right now and looks nice!

not for I :frowning:

yeah it is down now…man i wanted to see it again too…

very nice, i might make this my wallpaper!

my dreams are usuaully nightmares

i wish i could express them somehow

but anyways, good work

Oh my god! Mak, you’re like me! I thought i was a freak!

I NEVER EVER EVER have a good dream, I either have a bad dream, or a dream that is good, and then turns radically bad.

I think I have problems. I need a dream pill. Doctor mak?

all my dreams seem to end up bad as well, usually someone dies or I myself am killed

I think i have issues i need to deal with, you as well

na i’m kidding, everyone has these dreams, don’t worry

i just have them more often


er i have no dreams
well at least i don’t most of e time
seldom get nightmares, u guys watch too many scary movies :stuck_out_tongue:

about the bandwidth…brinkster has a daily bandwidth of 16.7mb, and i guess i exceeded it
er, no money for an actual domain, u know
only a 14 year old kid=)