Drop-Down Menu question

Alright, I’ve attatched the menu I’m working on. Just check it out and roll over schedule. Notice how the buttons leave before you get a chance to click on them? Can someone help me out here… I know there is some kind of action script that will fix this or something- any help is highly appreciated. Thanks.

+Badeau- (-:

Found it in 7 seconds

I dont think that example would work, considering this is the “flash 5” forum not mx. Anyway, for some reason ( probably my own ignorance ) I cannot download the attachment. So maybe if you wouldnt mind emailing it to me I could take a look at your problem.:slight_smile:

oh yeah… it’s in flash MX but flash 5 users can read the tute too. It will work for’em

Yeah I checked out that tut a long time ago it’s really not a whole lot of help since I can’t open the partial file… is anyone else having trouble downloading the file though?

<a href=“http://www.hot.ee/syko/ddmenustartf5.fla”><b>here</b></a>'s the partial source for Flash 5 and <a href=“http://www.hot.ee/syko/ddmenufinishf5.fla”><b>here</b></a>'s the finished file!