
Does anyone know how to create a drop down menu?
Or something it that matter in flash mx? I’ve seen alot of tutorials for for flash 5 cant get nothing for MX! Or some really cool menu would do,thanks!

The Flash 5 version menus should work perfectly fine in Flash MX.

Riight, but isnt the actions script diffrent!?
So I cant use the tuts!

Flash 5 actionscript works fine in MX, just sometimes MX CAN use different methods (doesn’t mean you have to, just means you can) that Flash 5 can’t.

But thats why I am having this problem!
I was trying to create a menu sort of like this :
Someone refered me to the Advanced rollover Tut, but I was always encountering problems, especial with Telltarget thing…
Is there tut’s outhere for Flash Mx Menus

That basically is tellTarget (although tellTarget isn’t used anymore, it shouldn’t even be in a Flash 5 tutorial as it is Flash 4- syntax :-, but all Flash 5 tutorials have it and it still works in MX).

Ilyas always tells people to check out this site for drop down menus…

Never read it, but it must be good if Ilyas suggests it :stuck_out_tongue:

It is for a drop down menu though, not a slide out thing like that, perhaps the concept is the same though.

The person who created that site is a member of this forum. Can’t remember who right now, but you can ask them. Or you can use their contact button to e-mail them and ask them.