I was following the “Drop-Down Menu” tutorial from this site and it was working perfectly fine with the sources that was given by the site. I am now trying to make my own drop down menu using thier method, but I am encountering some problems. If anyone is familiar with the tutorial on this site, can you please explain to me how the movie clip becomes a button in the “menu” movie clip. I made a rectangle and converted it to a movie clip and did exactly what the tutorial source did, but instead of the actual movie clip becoming a button…I created a brand new button in the same shape thinking that’s what they did. BUT now when I test the movie I get this weird animation.
If you are able to understand what I am saying, can you please help me? I have a project due soon and I just can’t seem to figure out this whole button thing o.o.
Is there a way to place a sound toggle button (sound on/sound off) on a drop-down menu?