Drug Testing

you’d be suprised by how many young kids do or try drugs, there is a fact like 20 percent of 8th graders have tried it or something like that.

What is the chance that the people who try it happen to do it in the same time frame as the drug test?

Well, marijuana can stay in your system for up to 3 weeks. So say a guy smokes like once a month with his friends, that just blows for him.

smoking a joint at HOME at night (cause that’s what we’re talking about, right - personnal and out-of-work use of drugs) will never kill someone at WORK in the morning. Never. Ever. That’s a guarantee. The effects don’t last that long. So the “we’re preventing people from being killed because of a pothead” is just bull.

Same goes with the “I represent a company 24/7”. Are you kidding me? What I do at home is MY own business. What I do at work is for my company. Let’s not mistake the two personnal and professional.
example : I’m allowed to wear a TShirt at home because I don’t reprensent my company. I’m not allowed to wear a TShirt at work because I represent my company. I’m allowed to Jcross (oh yeah, it’s illegal) because I’m not at work. I represent my company from 9am to 6pm on monday to friday.

there is truth to what you are saying, but here in the states your argument does not cut it.

/happy to be in France then :slight_smile:

well also dont forget about how the ecomony is. when you have millions of people looking for jobs you can really start getting particular about who you hire.

ecomoney is a nice word… I’ll use it again. :wink:

And what you’re saying about the actual economy is true. It’s bound to go the other way around some day (the so-called Kondratiev cycle, every 25 to 50 years) though.
10 years ago, it was the other way around, jobseekers were less numerous, so the companies had to give way to some social arrangements to attract high-value workers. Now, they’re cutting back on those social treatments because there are more people on the market looking for a job. I’ll wait for the social arrangements before I ask for a greencard then :wink:


This discussion is funny and yet… very typical, classic if you will…
No one has come up with anything new or that hasn’t been said before…
Like always… the people who smoke pot come up with the excuses for smoking it, and the people who don’t “get high”, tend to follow along with the laws of the land.

like PR said… It’s against the law plain and simple, you don’t get “high” you don’t have to worry about the law enfringing on your ‘rights of privacy’.
That’s like a thief worrying about the police checking his pockets… of course he’s parranoid, he’s breaking the law.!

If a company chooses to test for drugs then that is their right, they don’t want drug use on the job, this is their right! there is no argumnet there.
If you are under some notion that people only “get high” at home after work, then you are ‘high’ for thinking that way, I know plenty of people stoned at work some around me right now… :nerd: so don’t disillusion yourself.

And for all those who think “POT” is harmless smoke it for another 10 years then re-evaluate yourself. They say… "it’s harmless 'cause it comes from the ground it’s natural " yeah so does poison mushrooms,
what’s the point? Everything comes from the ground; gunpowder,
the lead in bullets, the trees and the rocks the indians made bows and arrows with, yes everything comes from the Earth.

Marijuana is a drug, drugs distort reality, they effect your choices, long term use of any drug will affect you, don’t kid yourself.

I hope drug testing contiues in a big way blood tests, Urine tests, keep it comming, one less threat against me and my family

well you havent said anything new yourself :wink: basically your agreeing with most of us.

somehow this thread got to just talking about “pot”, people do a lot more then just smoking pot when they get home, and i think thats what these companies are trying to find out as well.

well, what about the argument of pot being a gateway drug? Not sure if it’s accureate, but say a company has a pothead working for them… but then he gets interested in, i don’t know, Heroin. And gets addicted, and now we’ve got a strung out herion addict trying to keep it together for work and life… but seriously, is he gonna be able to?
That’s just something to consider, I know not everyone goes from pot->heroin.

I’ve read that a lot of drug tests dont even screen for THC (mary jane), as it is more expensive than the normal drug test, which catches PCP, Heroin, Methanphetamines, and other illicit drugs… Who knows for sure, though…

I’m sorry, but i don’t think that Marijuana is a gateway drug, any more than alcohol, caffeine or nicoteinne is… oh but those drugs are legal, so that makes them okay, right?? :crying:

Sorry there is now way you can try and convince me Pot is a gateway drug. I know people that smoke base and have never touched a joint. :lol:

I also know people that smoke everyday and have not tryed anything harder then weed.

edit: majeye your right btw… from what i know THC is hardly even tested, i know that PCP is one of their main concerns

And I storm in to the debate…
Who gives you rights? Same people that make the laws that say certain drugs are legal and certain ones are illegal. It’s the exact same thing. Certain drugs are illegal because people decided to make them so, and certain rights exist because people decided to make them exist.

If drug testing exists at all businesses, then so be it, but I want to know that unbiased people are testing, and that they are testing the CEOs, the exectives and all the other big wigs too, because despite how we like to imagine the world, plenty of rich people do drugs too. Wealth doesn’t bring you common sense, nor does it make you someone who is incapable of breaking the law… Just look at President Bush.

hope that rekindles the flame

I know people that smoked pot and drank and just got bored, went on to other things. It works both ways.
But do I think that it’s more likely? Not really. Nor do I think that the people around me that do drugs are going to come to work stoned, or do something stupid because of it. But should a business be able to decide whether or not to test on it, yah they should have the option. But everyone has made all the arguments already.

I know 10 year olds who’ve been smoking weed for up to two years, so that’s your theory down the tubes. While I don’t and never have done drugs personally, I know a lot of people who do or have done them in the past. I don’t shun them or try to get them to stop because it’s their business.

But if I was employing them I’d want to be sure they had stopped completely because alot of drugs have side effects of irrational and dangerous behaviour even when you’re not stoned or high or blasted or fried or whatever you might call it. That would make me not want to hire people who had a history of drugs or were doing them at the time. I totally agree with drug testing by companies although I don’t think we have it much in the UK. No business wants to be sued because of some stupid mistake made by a kid on weed. Drug users are a liability and that’s the reason for drug tests and background checks. You want to smoke weed all day and not get arrested, move to the Netherlands.:stuck_out_tongue:

I totally agree with pr and Digitalosophy. I also agree with L.Lepiano that CEOs and executives and all the bigwigs should be tested also.

The biggest thing people seem to get in trouble with is smoking, not marijuana or anything, just regular cigarettes.

I’ve only ever heard of one drug related incident.