Alcohol and cigarrettes are more harmful, AND more adictive than pot.
In the end it doesn’t really come down to levels of anything though. It is outside of the rights of government to regulate the consumption of ANYTHING by it’s adult citizenry.
If you’re caught incumbered by a substance while driving, or working that’s one thing… those can be regulated because you are putting others in jepardy. But what choose to abuse myself with is none of their business.
okay, who did they kill? The person not wearing seat belts, right?
Does wearing a seat belt make me a better driver?
In my opinion, it is my option, not some gov’t agency to tell me, to either wear, or not wear a seat belt. If I die while not wearing a seat belt, it is my problem. Now if the insurance Co. wants to not cover someone who isn’t wearing a seatbelt, that is their choice.
With the same reasoning, 70% of all men who have heart attacks in bed, while not with their spouse, have them on Monday… So we should make it illegal to cheat on your spouse on Mondays…
My point… who is the driver who isn’t wearing a seat belt harming?
men shouldn’t be cheating on their wives anyway, they deserve to die if they do.
i don’t know, i always get freaked out about accidents, etc. so i have this almost reflex that when i get into a car the next thing i do is put the seatbelt on.
Don’t kid yourselves; It’s not about safety in the least; That was their excuse phor installing their highway Nazi rule system that does nothing more than pick your pockets of all your available money
same thing with cigarette taxes, and in california, not being able to smoke anywhere but your home and car (only if no one else who doesn’t smoke isn’t there)…
I mean come on, over $5/pack… $3.50 is taxes…
sin taxes (no pun sintax321) are, in my opinion, a direct line to religeon, which is illegal to legislate…
On the subject of pot, in some states in Australia it’s legal, others it’s almost decriminalized, meaning that not alot happens unless your caught with saleable quantities…
South Australia and Canberra allows one plant per household.
Seatbelts, I got booked not too long ago $190.00 fine and 4 points on your licence (12 and you lose it). I know it’s law to wear them so why bother complaining…
I once went to a traffic offenders program for drink driving and the same subject came up… It’s only me that’s gonna get hurt, and the reply from the cop and the ambo that ran the course replied with “yeah, but you arent the one picking glass out of someones face or moping the blood from the road after you’ve just gone through the window are you?”
Just so you know, pot is really more dangerous than most people think. I have a friend who after about 5 years of casual use lost the plot completely… Paranoia is a major problem with longtime users, and if you have ever met a person that suffers severe paranoia you’ll see that it’s not a pretty thing to suffer…
I am a casual smoker myself btw… both cigs and pot…
Seatbelts, I got booked not too long ago $190.00 fine and 4 points on your licence (12 and you lose it). I know it’s law to wear them so why bother complaining…
I once went to a traffic offenders program for drink driving and the same subject came up… It’s only me that’s gonna get hurt, and the reply from the cop and the ambo that ran the course replied with “yeah, but you arent the one picking glass out of someones face or moping the blood from the road after you’ve just gone through the window are you?”
Just so you know, pot is really more dangerous than most people think. I have a friend who after about 5 years of casual use lost the plot completely… Paranoia is a major problem with longtime users, and if you have ever met a person that suffers severe paranoia you’ll see that it’s not a pretty thing to suffer…
Dave **
because the law is unconstitutional in the USA. It goes against my inalienable right to die the way I want to. You might as well outlaw sportscars.
because that is what they are paid for. It should then be against the law to smoke in bed, since a fireman will have to come in and see your charred remains on the bed. People will die on highways. We can’t eliminate that. What they don’t say, is how many people died from being tied into their cars, instead of being ejected before the crash, or how many accidents happen because someone is adjusting an uncomfortable seat belt.
yes, and too much oxygen is bad for you too. What is the percentage of people who smoke pot (no other drugs) who go off on the paranoia thing… Who is to say that if your friend wouldn’t have become the Unibomber if he didn’t smoke pot? I don’t think you can make a definite link. When you drink too much you get the shakes. Does that mean that everyone who drinks for years gets the shakes?
Just so you know, pot is really more dangerous than most people think. I have a friend who after about 5 years of casual use lost the plot completely… Paranoia is a major problem with longtime users, and if you have ever met a person that suffers severe paranoia you’ll see that it’s not a pretty thing to suffer…
Here we go with another “I know someone so it’s a fact” statement. Not that I don’t believe you about your friend… but I know literaly dozens of pot smokers. Some are actually IN the origional movie “woodstock”. (do the math on those ages) Not a single one of them is paranoid in the least, except perhaps of getting a mistamener for possesion. But that’s not paranoia… that’s being a realist. It is likely as a pot smoker that they will eventually get busted for possesion.
“Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out to get me.”
Either way, harm is not the issue. The government’s job, in my opinion, is not one of regulation over that which is harmful. Red meat and icecream are harmful, we don’t outlaw them. If you want to make it based upon degrees of harm then you have to illegalize both cigarettes and alcohol. Which are both proven to be more harmful and more addictive than pot.
I would really just like to know what the real justification is. Harm cannot be the justification… so what is?
personally, I think it is just something that a certain portion of society have up their bums, and want to feel like they are contributing to society by writing laws.
I agree with you on this one david. We should outlaw any food item with TransFatty Acids, since they have been determined to be extremely hazardous to your health. That means all snack foods, most breads, all prepackaged cookies, all things that involve margerine or any hydrogenated oils…
For that matter, Macadamia nuts are so full of fat, and they raise your ldl (bad cholesterol) levels, so they should be illegal as well…
That is another reason I love living in SF… If you get okay’d from a doctor, you can grow and smoke it yourself, without having to worry about losing your house because you are “a drug dealer.”
Now the feds have other ideas (see the Rosenthal trial in Oakland, CA) on this issue.
War on drugs… build more prisons, tear down the schools, eliminate extra curricular activities…
doesn’t sound like it’s working. It’s been 20 years… Think how many people we could feed on the money spent on housing a generation in prison…