Dual moniters,,,,,

who here has dual moniters, i just finished setting mine up so i can now go in photoshop whilst still on the forums posting or play a game and talk to peeps over all i like it :slight_smile:

I used to have dual monitors; didn’t last long with me though. I really had no use for them. I mean it was great having much more desktop space, but the appeal didn’t catch on with me that well.

ahhhh…cool well i just set mine up so there is a bit of a novelty but doubt it will get annyoing after a while :frowning: but still it may stay and it may not

I love my duelies =) The only problem is going back to a normal single display :frowning: OH THE AGONY! :wink:

i use 21" dual monitors at work tis awesome you can have photoshop on one and flash on the other or like teed says be working on one and having fun on the other its awesome i want to get a dual vid card for my home pc but i want to get at least 17" or 2 flatpanel monitors :beam:

yeh i have 2 17", but i like taht sound of 2 21" but no chance of that happenin for me, hmmm…im thinking of getting it set up so i can link in my tv as well to watch movies on cuz i only have a dvd player onb my comp in my room, hmmm… anyone else done this?

what video card do you ahve is this a good buy??? im not to keen on video cards i dont play game son my pc so theres no need for expensive video cards but do you guys think this is a good buy??


i think thats the same one i have except i have a tv out, yeh i do think that is a pretty good buy but im not to great about video card knowledge

is that a good price or did you get a better bargain??? if so please post a link :wink:

ermm…i think that is good price but i am not sure because i am from the uk and i dont know about your prices, but i just found my box and mine isnt the same mine is a geforce 4 6400 ti so mine was a bit more expensive, you should aks one of the american folk on here to point ya in the right direction

sorry i dont have any links i bought mine from a shop

np thanks teed :wink:

Two here, and I wouldn’t have it any other way

not novelty - necessity…

tools on one … stage on the other

have any of you seen swordfish?

i want that kind of monitor setup. you know what i’m talking about :wink:

Haven’t seen Swordfish, but would you be likin’ one O these ???::



[size=1]edit for better link[/size]

Why use 2 monitors when you can use 13? :stuck_out_tongue:


Or one really huge one


I have seen swordfish, that setup would be very nice indeed. My card support dual monitors, but I have no more room left on my desk. :stuck_out_tongue: so stickin to the single monitor for now. =)


nice monitors there reland i wonder whats the cost on one of those babies i would like to get the 3 monitor mockup monitor from your first post but im afraid it will end up costing bout 5 grand so instead i would buy a 50" plasma tv and use it for videogaming, Pc and dvd video use now talk about convenience :crazy:

hmmm…i have dual monitors…17inch…very nice indeed…can have a much larger workspace!!!..also…i am in process of building a computer where i link up 4 dual monitor cards to the motherboard…in a few more months i will be running 8 monitors…but the sweet thing about it is that i will also be connected to 3 other computers…with a simple flick of the switch…i can be on 4 computers at the same time…i will defintly be enjoying that…i started this wonderful experent but 3 years ago…and now am down to only a few parts needed…should be finished very shortly!!!..i am having a lot of fun doing this!!!but it does take up a lot of my free time:*( oh well

Those panoram tech monitors looks good but look at those 13 monitors now thats just plain awesome!!
You would need alot of space though! And money!
That also looked like a good game to play on it to make the most of them!
