I’ve had some luck lately and got some spare cash. Around 800USD.
I cant decide if I want a dual 19 inch display or a widescreen display though. Right now I’m leaning towards two of these http://www.webhallen.com/prod.php?id=60669 [whisper](sorry for the non-english link. You can still read the specs.)[/whisper].
My friend who’s dad has a tripple display setup says thats its more annoying than effective having dual displays. I dont know though. I like the idea of having one screen for work/game and the other for resource/forums.
Anyone with dual screens who can give me some feedback here? is it more annoying than it is effective? And what happens if your playing an fullscreen FPS game, and you want to access something on the other screen? will you have to alt+tab?
I have a nvidia GeForce 6800GT. With 2xDVI outlets if that does any difference.
What size widescreen were you thinking? $800 could get a nice 24" dell widescreen. I would prefer that over dual 19" monitors. Even two 20" @ 1600x1200 would be a nice setup, that would be under $800 also.
Anyone with dual screens who can give me some feedback here? is it more annoying than it is effective? And what happens if your playing an fullscreen FPS game, and you want to access something on the other screen? will you have to alt+tab?
afaik, you still have to use alt-tab. Unless you run your game in a big window instead of maximized.
I bought two 19" Dells a week or so ago, i’m so glad I got duals instead of one widescreen, it’s so handy having two, I can have iTunes in one, and Firefox in the other (which I have contsantly).
19"ers are pretty big anyway, there’s not that much difference between a 19 and 20 except the resolution.
[quote=Butters;1983874]19"ers are pretty big anyway, there’s not that much difference between a 19 and 20 except the resolution.[/quote]And an inch…an inch is huge. Think about it.
Well, I think the difference between a 19" and 20" monitor is big. You mentioned the resolution which is the biggest part. But that’s what that 1" will get ya.
Dell’s new 20" is only a measly $289 each (and don’t forget the 20% coupon you can get off ebay for a dollar, which should bring it down to $231), and would be a heck more worth than two 19"
I asked a similar question a week back (the only diff being I was comparing with 2 17"), here’s the thread:
If you’re like me, then you’ll like to have your main windows on a large monitor in front of you and the rest of them of the smaller monitor.
Flash, Photoshop, WoW, Internet Browsers on the 19’‘LCD and winamp, file explorer, IM, Task manager on the 17’'CRT.
I kid you not. It’s great!
I don’t know what you use your computer for, but try to use standart resolutions, and mind the border of the monitor.
2 widescreens will look cool, but they might not be very functional for anything except these programs like flash or photoshop where you can customize the appearance.
DirectX only works on 1 of my monitors at a time. So expect yourself to only use 1 monitor while gaming. Not that the other one turns off.
Usually while I’m playing WoW, i have winamp and my file explorer open on my second monitor to check out my tunes.
I’d recomend getting 2x19’’ or 20’’, but not widescreen.
If you can make them work like 1 big screen, which I know windows doesn’t do on it’s own, then go widescreen and put one on top of the other.
Just remember this!
The monitor border takes a bit of the illusion out of the entire thing. The larger it is, the worse it is.
[QUOTE=hsadan;1983989]Dell’s new 20" is only a measly $289 each (and don’t forget the 20% coupon you can get off ebay for a dollar, which should bring it down to $231), and would be a heck more worth than two 19"[/QUOTE]
Well, here in the UK, there’s a 25% discount on the 20inch Dells, and a 20% discount on the 19s.
With the discount, the 19s are £200 each, and the 20s are £311 each…
Without the discount, the 20" are almost double the price of the 19"s…over £400. That’s why I got two 19"s instead of a 20".
The widescreen 24" are £560 with discount, £750 without :!:
I’ve got the dell 24Wide at home and 2 19’s samsungs at work.
For work I always liked having a dual set up, I usually always have to maximise a browser on a seperate monitor and then for instance i can have a css and html file open on the primary and be able to edit the files and refresh the browser without maximizing or minimize a thing, when you set up your work area in instances like that you can really streamline your workflow and going back to single monitor is like going back to dial up after using cable.
On the other hand if it’s for entertainment value i must say the only reason i got a widescreen is that i wanted to game and watch movies on a larger screen, soon after i went full time and stopped contracting i didnt really need a second monitor (I had two crt’s before my widescreen), it was still useful but most the time it was just idle. Using a widescreen at home is awesome, movie are full screen and when supported, games on wide look amazing(Hitman/Splintercell are two i play), and even if i need to bring work home the odd occasion i can still use the 4-5inches of my 24inch for palettes, and not sacrifice working real estate. But if i was ever to do more extensive work at home i would not hesitate in buying a smaller widescreen version of this dell.