I have spent 3 hours trying to solve this, including all the inventive solutions presented for it (amongst others senocular’s duplicateDisplayObject ), but I still don’t achieve the expected results (in AS3).
I am actually making an infinite “image” slider, such a slider that slides and once you reach the last image, the next image is the first again and so you can slide on in 1 direction endlessly. This is easily achieved by making a copy of the originial “slider row” and pasting it at the end. When you go about the middle of the second one, the copy, you just jump back to the same position of the first row (that’s unoticeable and one thinks the slider goes on infinitly).
Now, my problem is that my slider first loads XML data and from that it loads gif’s, swf’s, … from external locations (via new URLRequest’s). Since we all know duplicateMovieClip is gone, I really don’t know how to get a copy of my MC once all the data is loaded. senocular’s solutions don’t seem to get loaded data copied.
I presume complex proxy class would solve this, but isn’t this overkill? I mean a proxy class would make my movie like, what?, 10KB bigger, or at least slower and heavier…
The only other solution I can think of, is loading everything twice in another movie, but isn’t there really an alternative ?
Anyone any ideas?
Would love to hear…
(I guess Adobe really missed the real benefits of a real duplicateMovieClip by offering to use the new operator in their “Migration” plan, now didn’t they?)