Dynamic content and menus


I have developed a small flash site which on clicking a button displays text from text file. But recently I have come across development in which they use XML and Flash to dynamically change the MENU as well as the DATA. Here in one stores links, sublinks and data for each link/sublink & content in the XML file. On clicking the button you can see content. Only one base template is designed so lot of time is saved. Can any one help a novice on how the entire thing works if possible a small tutorial if available. I am new to XML and XML based content. What I gathered from this was that a small action script is written to duplicate the link & sublinks with respective content.

Currently under the text import method I need to create multiple pages and multiple buttons. If I use the above method only a couple of pages need to be designed and the entire thing can be changed as and when necessary on the fly. Await help! Thanks