I am loading some text into a dynamic text field from an external text file using the methods described on kirupa’s tutorials. I want to be able to bold some text, and make some other text links, using html…
I thought it might work if I just added the html tags to the text file, and the chose to render the dynamic text field as html…but the tags don’t do anything, and are still read in as normal text.
Make sure you’ve embeded the bold style. Write some dummy text anywhere, set its color the same as the movie bg so it remais invisible, and embed it.
And the tags should be something like this:[AS]myTextField.html = true;
myTextField.htmlText = this.myVar;//myVar is the variable inside the txt file[/AS]
This might help http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26083&highlight=html