I’ve been working on an interface for a flash mx website that i am developing, it consists of one page and a window in the middle displaying external flash files , however if i make an external flash file have dynamic text, it refuses to display the text in the main interface page and i get a blank screen. If I change it back to static text, it is fine, the page displays fine and the text can be seen. I want to use dynamic text as it gives better quality, can an expert give me some advice, thanks!!
You are probabling using a mask right?
Masked text wont show up unless its static, broken apart or embedded.
Yeh thats right, I am using a mask, okay how do i go about embedding the text, or whatever u said??thanks for your help by the way
Select your textfield. On properties panel
Character | All characters
There it is
thats great thanks for your help, the dynamic text is coming up, but the thing is, the quality is still a bit poor, have u got any suggestions?
Kirupa’s How to Make Text Legible
…or if its a pixel font
Kirupa’s Using Pixel Fonts
Hi! Thanks to the search function, i found the answer to my newsticker problem when being masked. BUT when i click on to embed the fonts, it then seems to ignore any of the html code in the txt document – is there a way to solve this or is it a either you mask or you dont sort of thing? Thanks in advance!!