I have an easy job (I think) I would love for somebody to CSS up. I might be able to paypal you $5-10 for it if I can convince my supervisor to pay you ;(. I don’t want to rip anyone off, so please don’t post if you are a great CSS’er, as I can’t afford you (I wish I could give programmers heaps of money, I really do).
Click this, I think its very self explanatory, Ive made it simple by doing all the measurement work: http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/4794/slicingmx6.png
1 means 1.jpg, 2 means 2.jpg…
Anything white or gray means it should be pure black (acts as a spacer). Fill those in however you want, either with a jpg or a plain color if you can. The page BG should be pure black. Left, right, top, bottom padding or margins are 0.
Please help me, I love you. lol.
*Edit: okay so I’m gonna do my best on this. I have no clue how to do CSS but using DIVs seem easy enough. I just know 1000% this wont be CSS valid.