Easy Target Path Question

I have a simple question here.

I have a movie clip of a deck of cards, 56 frames long. I have given each card a specific frame. I put this animation in a new folder on the timeline. Now, on my top layer I can’t figure out what to write to make the deck goto a specific frame and stop.

The target path to the deck is: _level0.2_1_mc

I tried the code _level0.2_1_mc.gotoAndStop(25);, but it didn’t work.

However I have a movie clip outside of the folder on the timeline named deck1_mc, and the code deck1_mc.gotoAndStop(23); works.


post your fla on the site… your problem will get solved much more quickly. but from the sounds of it, you should be putting this code on your button:


you should really only use ’ _level0 ’ if you are inside a swf that has been loaded externally. Otherwise, you can just use the word ’ _root. ’

You can also double check to see if you gave your 2_1_mc movie clip an instance name. Tha’ts always somethign i forget to do the first time around.

hope it helps.

You can’t use numbers as instancenames.
Try something like “card_1”,“card_2”,…,“card_52”


scotty is right … I didn’t think of that.