
Has anyone ever used easyPHP?

After I install it how do I set it up?

Should I use something different?


what’s eastPHP? some sort of third party software that codes for you?

I use it right now and it works pretty well

as posted in my sticky here:
"If you want to test on your computer, so as not to upload the scripts
every time you change something, I recommend using the Easy PHP package
from http://www.easyphp.org , I’ve been using this for some years now
on both Win 2k and Win XP Home without any problem, it’s a one-click
install of the Apache server, PHP, phpMyAdmin to work on your databases…
All for free. "
Install = setup.
To use, start it, an e with a blinking green dot should show up in the taskbar next to the clock, if the dot is red, right-click and select “start” or “démarrer” in french.
let me know if you need more help.

the way you run files through it is type localhost into your browser and place your files in the c\program files\easyPHP\www directory. I deleted the index file from this directory so that a file listing shows up and I can just click on whatever file I need to open it.

thanks guys…I might need help when I start messing around with it later.

does easy PHP come with MySQL?

:d sure or you can visit www.sourceforge.net to search fox server,
just one click install you will have a web server with php, mysql, active perl …

I am having fun fooling around with PHP scripts. Whenever I test a script I type http://localhost/myfile.php into the browser; this works fine. But then when I make a little change and want to test it again the old version is cached. How can I stop this caching from happening? Right now I give it a different name which sucks.


you can’t :frowning:
what i do is, tools>internet options>delete files
before each test…which sucks too :wink:
…but works…

glad it works, it’s still easier than uploading after each change, no?

*Originally posted by eyezberg *
…what i do is, tools>internet options>delete files
before each test…

Well, there’s always www.mozilla.org :thumb:

or with IE, go to Tools > Internet Options > Settings (right next to Delete Files) > and select ‘Every visit to the page’ :slight_smile:

I think phpTriad is best!