Editable Scrollpane

I want to have a editable scrollpane that I can use over and over that let me change the skin in each project.
Here are the options I think I have:
Build a scrollpane from scratch?
Find a custom scrollpane that some one made already with easy to customize feature to edit the skin?
or Edit the default scrollpane that comes with Flash MX? wich I tried alrerady and I couldn’t get it to work.
What do you guys think is the way to go?


www.macromedia.com has a few things on skinning/customizing components, try using their search and look for “skinning components” and you should find it :slight_smile:

you can either edit it in the library, or use actionscript. if you edit it in the library it applies to all the components you put in your movie, but im not sure about the library.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Replodehow can I edit it by actionscript?

first, create a new layer over your main layer. then select a keyframe and insert this code:

[AS]globalStyleFormat.textColor = 0xD0D0D0;
globalStyleFormat.arrow = 0xD0D0D0;
globalStyleFormat.face = 0x006699;
globalStyleFormat.shadow = 0x003366;
globalStyleFormat.darkshadow = 0x000033;
globalStyleFormat.highlight = 0x0099BB;
globalStyleFormat.highlight3D = 0x00BBEE;
globalStyleFormat.scrollTrack = 0x003366;
globalStyleFormat.background = 0x006699;
globalStyleFormat.applyChanges(); [/AS]

just change the html color code AFTER the 0x. dont delete the 0x, or the code wont work. this code applies to all components you put in your movie. if you dont want it to apply to something, then just delete that line of code.

Thanks Replode

Wow that is a cool and useful script :slight_smile:

i just found it the other day ago, i was soo happy, cause its really making my site look better. glad i could help.