Scrollpane skinning

I’m trying to change the appearance of a scroll pane I created using the scrollpane component in Flash CS3 (Action Script 2.0), track colour, button colour etc. I have found many tutorials on the subject and tried to followed them to the letter, but still no joy.

The all seem to say: File > Import > Open External Library… then open C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS3\en\Configuration\Component Source\ ActionScript 2.0\FLA and open SampleTheme.fla, then in that library go to, Flash UI Components 2 > Themes > MMDefault, and drag the ScrollBar Assets folder into my main library, and from there I can edit any and all elements of the scroll pane.

My problem is I have edited a lot of the elements but it has no effect when I test the movie, it remains the default grey. In the ScrollBar Assets folder I find three movie clips; HSrollBar Assets, SrollBar Assets and VSrollBar Assets. Also, in the ScrollBar Assets folder there is the States sub-folder which contains 26 movie clips; ScrollDownArrowDisabled, ScrollDownArrowDown, ScrollDownArrowOver, ScrollTrack etc. There is also the Elements sub-folder which contains 6 more seemingly relevant movie clips. Which ones do I edit??! And how do I associate the changes with the scroll pane component (called galleryPane) on my stage?

There is probably no quick and easy answer, so thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me out.
