Whitch program is the best to edit Videos, advanced effeckts…etc
And most popular formats ?
Whitch program is the best to edit Videos, advanced effeckts…etc
And most popular formats ?
I gotta tell ya Video Vegas 4.0 is da ultimate! It’s absolutely easy to use and extremely cool! You can do all kinds of stuff! And add many many effects! It’s as stable as hell! Won’t crash or anything! I’m using it right now to create my first CS Movie!
Thanx dude
btw. Can u post the CS movie when done plz i whant to see how good the programis
I have the program but I need some help. I hope you can help me out
I have my video. I whant to add a effeckt from this timeline to the othe rone and the effeckt will end.
Like I added a red secreen effeckt but I canot end it “not remove it” but end it I dont whant all the movie red just some parts. how to do it then ?
I use Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Both are nice and have a bunch of features. They are pretty costly though. I am thinking about getting Fireworks (I think thats the one) As well, to make intros and stuff.
I Had Adobe Premiere but its not that easy to edit with it.
But i think ABC video is good also. but they lost biz. so they closed the company. now I cannot get this program.
Im not even sure about the name. but it was ABC video or something :hangover:
Sure I’ll post the cs movie but I tihnk it’s gonna take some time! …muchhh time!
I don’t really understand your problem but can’t you just add the same effect to the other one from the effect library?
Adobe Premiere does have a steep learning curve, but once you get that down, using it and After Effects you can produce some really great results.
look :-
I have a movie .
When I add the movie, it shows it on the timeline with the sound.
I add a effeckt. but the effeckt gos on ALL the movie not just someparts of it. do you understand.
Like I whant to add a blur effeckt. the blur effeckt gos on all the movie clips not the ones I whant it to start from and end.
How to do that ?
thanx :A+:
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