EG vts31 and REN

when can we hang out?

haha soon Edwin, soon…

Remember to [SIZE=1]trick[/SIZE] Ren, I mean ask Ren to go with us. :beam:


Ofcourse :beam:

hahah yay!! No need to [SIZE=1]trick[/SIZE] her, oops I mean ask her!! :beam:

aha… the tables are turned


uh oh :!:

har har

i serioulsy do NOT get this thread

when did the tables turn

and what table are you talking about

and where will you be “hanging out”

whats going on

the world is might confusing these days

electron geek, Renn and I will be going to the Block at Orange next week to go seea movie and hang out in the analog world.

makes plan to abduct vts and steal his artistic talent

ok, thanks for the 411…now i can make arrangements

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**electron geek, Renn and I will be going to the Block at Orange next week to go seea movie and hang out in the analog world. **

haha we’re going to the Block? cool! :stuck_out_tongue:

yes lol. ima try to find a ride if now i can cover u for gas bro :slight_smile: ^__^!