Just like a startrek convention, we all organise an event at a location somewhere an we have a KIRUPA KONVENTION! we can all meet up and have a laugh, have real discussions, give out awards (greatest helper, biggest spammer, most anoying etc)
We should be able to make a deal with international travel companies to make getting to the event as easy and cheap as possible (think of the bulk buy they would get!)
lets all meet in like anarctica so its really really hard for all of us… or or or we should go to japan cuz thats where i wanna go. ok?
good its settled, i already got my ticket
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**lets all meet in like anarctica so its really really hard for all of us… or or or we should go to japan cuz thats where i wanna go. ok?
good its settled, i already got my ticket **
are you crazy? those japanese gots sars. and those freeky masks.
lets meet in boston, i dont have much money to go to florida.
any ways, this has already been talked about a couple of months ago. It seems like a good idea, but if it does happen, kirupaforum will be empty of thoes few days :)
haha, “we can all meet up” - you mean all of those ~4640 Kirupaforum members?
hm, what about age, accent, location and so? should we make the groups like “>14”, “14-18”, “18-??” and “??-99”…
oh and money? I mean, like $500 is pretty big money for me.