Now bear with me please. I’ve never programmed before and I just got the new MX studio(Flash, Dreamweaver, Freehand, Director, Fireworks and ColdFusion). I’m still not clear on what they all do. For example: I vaguely understand that Dreamweaver and Freehand are programs to help you draw but, what are their differnces and strong points? What do they do? Someone please clear all this up for me as I’m confused
Flash MX - Is what some on this forum use, you can create anything from basic animations to advanced websites and web applications.
Dreamweaver MX - Is a HTML editor used to make web page layouts something Freehand isn’t capable of. Handles all the HTML/ DHTML coding.
Freehand - Is like Illustrator, it’s a vector graphics program.
Director MX - Is used mostly for web interactive shockwave movies and games. It’s kind of similar to Flash MX, but the file sizes produce by this program could be a bit more bulky so that’s why it’s used a lot for shockwave games.
Fireworks MX - Is like Photoshop, it’s a image editing program, but it is also capable of creating vector graphics as well so it’s a combination of Photoshop and Freehand.
Coldfusion - Is a server side program, which handles stuff like web database. Chances are you won’t be using this program for unless you build a massive website with a lot of information that needs to be updated regularly.
WOW :crazy: thanks cause i didntk now what coldFusion did…kirupa and i had a whole talk about what it could be, i thought it was like Visual Studio…but i guess i was wrong…just a note:
in director if you really want to animate anything you need to know Lingo, the director language, i think it is an OOP language (check on that?) and is much like JavaScript or ActionScript(the flash laguage that is the sister to JavaScript and is an OOP lanuage)
You really don’t need to install them all.
I would just install what you need as you need it.
well cause it sounds like your first time with Macromedia i think you should install them all just to fool around, when you find the ones you are going to use a lot uninstall the other ones.