ElectronGeek Please Check or whoever!

EG: I have been checked by ILAYMASSE and Lostinbeta. You seem to be real thorough. Can you check this for me. This is my official second site that I have published in flash. I am using PHP to pull data from database.


Thanks in advance

Ok I’ll list some things that I’ve noticed:

  1. I wasn’t too impressed with your splash page, it did not match your site at all so I think you still need to work on the splash page.

  2. As for your intro, I thought it was a bit slow, but not the point where it was unbareable. Maybe bumping the fps just a tiny bit would help, but the way it is now is ok.

  3. As for your layout, it’s really clean and nicely laid out. The navigation and transitions are smooth and your test is nice and crisp which a lot of sites that post here have a problem with, but you got that down.

The draggable menu is a nice touch as well so overall I liked your site, all you have to do now is fix the splash page so that it goes along with the rest of your site. Good job. =)

Thanks for the input. The splash was done originally for the standard html stuff…Was still learning…trying to find time to redo the whole thing. What is time…

Thanks again

I agree with EG. However the text was really small. It would be hard to read for some, while it is smooth, I would suggest bumping up the size a few.

wasn’t this posted here a few weeks ago? I know I’ve seen it
