How you do that Smooth Movement?

Was just wondering how a lot of sites can do that smooth movement. Everytime I do motion tween with objects I get that slow rough stiffy movement.


“easing” search up!

welcome to the forums

do this, make a simple motion tween with a movieclip symbol or a graphic symbol, look at the timeline, at the bottom of it, there is a status bar, that should show “12 fps” , double click on that “12 fps”, and then this little fps status wipndow pops up, change it to 20 fps, if you want your movement to be even slower (add more frames) very simple, plus also mess around with fps speeds. All u have to do is drag the keyframe to the right, and vola, u have a smoother or slower motioned tween which looks more smoother etc depending on whether u play around with it a lot. Play around with the frames & fps speeds and you’ll have it in no time.

*Originally posted by Snypa|2 *
**do this, make a simple motion tween with a movieclip symbol or a graphic symbol, look at the timeline, at the bottom of it, there is a status bar, that should show “12 fps” , double click on that “12 fps”, and then this little fps status wipndow pops up, change it to 20 fps, if you want your movement to be even slower (add more frames) very simple, plus also mess around with fps speeds. All u have to do is drag the keyframe to the right, and vola, u have a smoother or slower motioned tween which looks more smoother etc depending on whether u play around with it a lot. Play around with the frames & fps speeds and you’ll have it in no time. **

very true about the fps. however if your looking for that slight bounce or ease in motion instead of using tweens use actionscript. note that you have more control of your movie clips when using AS.

Yup, but in this guy’s case, he seems to be a beginner flash designer, if anything hes learning basic actionscripting, not advnaced AS with movieclips :stuck_out_tongue: Yes you could achieve what he was saying with AS, but y bother with all that coding when u can make a good tween in 30 seconds, and if u want to give easing (add more frames), to make things spike, add a keyframe to the tween after 3-5 frames, and u have a even quicker spike that u can adjust quite easily.

ahh I have it now. :smiley: Thanks all! and yeah I am a beginner in Flash. :*( Another question, how do I change the action scripting from expert mode to basic mode in MX 2004 Pro?

You don’t… :-/
That feature was removed from MX2004. Dunno why - there have been lots of complaints regarding this …

You can’t

*Originally posted by Kalliban *
**You don’t… :-/
That feature was removed from MX2004. Dunno why - there have been lots of complaints regarding this … **

lol yeah, MM was saying around pre-release, this version should be more easier to learn for beginners etc etc, marketing, which totally isnt true, if anything, a lot of people are having trouble finding good methods with the new components (i figured them out, but a lot of people are having probs), aswell the taking-out the basic mode for the AS editor, in my opinion set them back in-terms of getting newer flash designers more into coding, if anything, it was a good idea to have the option of “expert/basic” modes.

Well just keeping the actionscript editor in expert mode was a good idea to me. That pretty much enables you to learn actionscript, and not always rely on pre-written code for you. Plus, they still have the code hints.

ohh man that sucks. I’m havin a hard time gettin a button to work now. :frowning: