trying to take my flash to that next level! PLEASE HELP! i am currently Mr. Tween, and am humbled by most sites that have such clean and crisp movement of objects and/or pics. is this all done with AS movement?
i’m looking for all the help i can get! i understand the basics from a tutorial on this site called: “Movement Using ActionScript”
i totally can follow this tutorial, but i need to learn the next few steps.
hmmmm yes i think but most of people post theire as probs here cause this place being visited more than the as forum
so JML did you decide what you need ?
well first of all, i’d say tweens would be your best bet, to make them more smooth, up your frame rate a bit, 24-48 would be good, second, that water is not made in flash if that’s what you’re asking about
I haven’t said it before, but Yeldarb, love the 8 ball! About the FPS - I agree. I stick to about 30. If you do a search on FPS - there’s a couple threads about smoother animation and what you can do to make it - just remember your filesize if it’s for online!!
*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**Digital…You can, it’s in the proporties panel of a motion tween, right?? **
sure but what happens when you click a button and you want to resize something? i don’t like using tweens in my flash movies, not even in movieclips. i like to keep eevrything at 1 frame, so nothin get’s scrwed up(unless i need to)
That’s fair. I use easing in tweens with movieClips 'cause I’m lazy. I feel it does the same job; but you’re right, actions are better. I actually just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong…like normal…you know
in response: nothing much…working a lot - check out my site recently? I have live pics of Tempe now:
It’s better during the day when ASU’s running around downtown! I still wish I had more time to work on my own site!!