for some reason all of the links I use in flash are blurry. Dynamic text is clear, but you can’t use dynamic text if you make the text an email link or web link, right?
Also if I decide to make use a pixel font.the same effect happens when I make it an email link…
Also, can you make dynamic text fade or move across the screen.
you can also name your MC (“myClip”) and have another MC control it:
//put this code on another MC
_root.myClip._x=_root.myClip._x +1;
MX: in MX, textFields are now MC objects and can be controlled in a similar fashion:
first, lay down your text field, then give it an instance name (myText)
second, in another MC, put the following code inside:
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.myText._x=_root.myText._x +10; //.gotoAndStop(1);
there are a lot more things you can do with this, and probably more/better ways to do it in MX–i’m just starting to work w. textField objects within the MX framework–have fun and good luck!
the suggestion for pixel fonts is the best for displaying aliased text (crisp). be sure to place your text on whole numbers with the property inspector (ie, x=200, y=400).
“use device fonts” can have drawbacks such as appearing to be of different lengths depending on the fonts on the users system, what might look great on your machine may be longer or shorter on another pc
any static font, apart from pixel fonts, will always look fuzzy (anti-aliased).
also, certain fonts are designed to look best at specific sizes. verdana was designed specifically for web deployment
my semi-complete revamp uses all pixel fonts, if you want to see how crisp they can be: almost done site
my little signature tag shows a pixel font
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