Due to my need to tween TextFields, Flash managed to botch up simple scale Tweening (per my previous post), so now I am desperate.
Right now, the font is embedded, and it’s doubling the total SWF size.
I want to be able to tween the size of the TextFields, without that “jerky” motion. Some way to convert it to vector graphics would likely be the best option.
I tried rendering as a bitmap, but it isn’t getting the desired result, and the hit areas of the TextFields seem way off. Also, it tends to blur quite a bit, even though the scale is only 1.2.
If anyone can devise a **good **workaround, I will forever be grateful, and when I get paid for this project, I will paypal $20 to whoever finds the solution.
:tired: < Four hours of sleep last night getting this half crappy project done, and Adobe kills me with something I can’t control.