Tweening the scale of TextFields "jerky"

I have a simple TextField on the stage, though it doesn’t matter if I add it dynamically via code, the results are still the same when it is being tweened up. If you tween the size via *scaleX *and scaleY, it will be “jerky”, and now and then the number of lines will change and the text will rearrange slightly, but with annoying results.

Note that even if the object you tween is a MovieClip, all TextFields inside of it will tween individually, and with the same “jerky” motion.

Here is the SWF and FLA if anyone wants to take a look:
(ZIP with FLA and SWF is attached)

This is the only code I’m using:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(me:MouseEvent)
    //Not even caching as bitmap will make any difference
    //text.cacheAsBitmap = true;, 5, {scaleX:2, scaleY:2});

Here is my own personal babble…
[COLOR=DimGray]I believe this happens because Flash is smart enough to instead of only Tweening up the text as if it were an image, once it has tweened up to a certain size, it will instead increase the font size. So, instead of treating it as a shape, vector image, or a bitmap, it will treat it as text.

This is usually never a problem, and instead a very smart system, because this avoids the text from being pixelated from being a bitmap, or if it were stored as a vector image, small fonts show up very differently from when they are scaled up, so the text preserves it’s appearance.

However, since I am tweening it, when the textField jumps from a +scale to a +fontSize, it jumps a little, and this is noticed by the user. Bummer.

A workaround I have thought of, draw a BitmapData for the textField instead of using and Tweening the actual textField.
CONS: If tweened too large will pixelate. Also, each individual TextField inside of the movieClip would need to be cached at the same time. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to listen for individual MouseEvents (without a crapload of code)
I found a post on the TweenLite forums covering this as well, but no solution.

Does anyone know any easy, efficient, workarounds?
There must be some way around this.