Not sure why it’s not working so any assistance is appreciated.
I have 2 text boxes. Both are Classic Text Fields. One is Input Text ( Selectable, Border , Auto Kern, AA Readability ). The other is Dynamic Text ( Selectable, Border, Auto Kern, AA Readability ).
For both textfields, I need it to be able to produce any language so I’ve embedded my font ( Verdana ) with all character ranges. Kind of doubt it did though since it said estimated glyphs were 737.
Anyways, when compiled it doesn’t embed the fonts, out of the ones I’ve tested I haven’t been able to get any non-standard characters to show up. Characters that don’t show up include Arabic, Chinese or Japanese characters to show up. Some of the french special characters work, others show up as ASCII code for some reason.
Sorry I can’t just upload the file. For various reasons I can’t really post it publicly.