Emotional Support needed

My laptop hard drive packed up this morning…

just took it to the repair dude and he says i cant get the data for less then £700 cos the needle thingy bust…


any ideas or am i gonna have to resign myself to losing the last months work??

i have loads of stuff i did for jobs, am going to look veeery unprofessional… does anyone else seem to always learn the hard way, im beginning to think i need my head checked! :-/

It doesnt mean you are unproffesional clients need to realize that these things happen with computers. I dont really know if there are any other options then forking over the money. Unfortunatley these things happen so we just have to go along with what happens.

man that sucks, hope it works out

unlucky fella…but as you know, the same thing has happened ta me not so long back. sh1t happens.

£700 seems abit harsh tho…

Did you save any of your work to a cd/disk, or FTP it to a server?


That sux man, I feel for ya. This is making me realize that I need a better backup solution myself. In the states a friend of mine was quoted $ 3K! to restore data from a dead drive.

maaan… i should have ftped all my files to my server… got abot 400MB spare

just going through what i did and didnt back up on cd… most of my university work i have. I’ve lost all my personal work… you know the little projects for friends and little ideas you have and you mock up quickly…

most of the client stuff ive lost i cant put in my portfolio because it contains design work that is under patent application, so i guess thats no biggie… not like it is gonna help me in the future

its odd… a lot of it i dont mind losing cos when you are learning, your work improves so quickly that something i did 2 months ago is almost irrelevant! know what i mean

ive lost everything in the drawing and design thread for artofmonkey.com

ah well! a fresh start all round for my last ever year of education! lol

Too bad you can’t back up to Gmail, ton’s of room there…

this sux… hmmm I gotta back up my stuff b4 this happens to me

im waiting for the computer guy to get back to me in the morning… he said to get data from a dead drive they have a special ‘dust free’ room and it only takes a few minutes. they just charge you a premium for doing it!

starts vacuuming his room

That sucks. I know whenever cash flow is slow for me I worry that something like this might happen.

Sounds like a good time to change careers, something NOT involving ****ing computers.

Good luck with that sir!!