here you go bro :beam:
Google blows me away once again… :lol:
well of all Knowledge, bless my computer
Every work for which it is used
Every one who finds it useful
Preserve, O God, the software from corruption
Keep, O Christ, The hardware from harm
Sustain, O Spirit, a constant, steady flow of power
Protect it, St. Michael, from physical harm
Protect it, St. Arial, from storm and surge
Protect it, St. Gabriel, that no virus is sent or received
Operating system and applications,
documents and drivers
Hardrive and monitor;
printer, scanner and keyboard
And the flow of energy
to every part thereof
Creator of all, be creating beauty and good with my hands
Logos of creation, order my thoughts and my work
Spirit of inspiration, inspire all who see what I create
Watch, Virgin Mother and St. Columba, as I journey on the net
Blind, Pure Mary and St. Herve’, my eyes from every evil
Return, Celestial Shepherdess and St. Christopher, me safe from the journey
With Mary Mother and all saints to keep me pure
With the Three and all angels to protect me
I will continue unharmed and unscathed
This day and always
I will continue unharmed and unscathed
This day and always