My Computer Had a Meltdown Your Could Too

O my god I’m freaking out! This morning when I fired up my desktop I got the fatal blue screen. I haven’t backed up anything in close to half a year and it’s all gone.

As we speak I’ve got a guy that’s trying to get everything back for me I just hope that he’s really worth the $100 an hour I’m paying him.


Please pray for my wounded PC. < insert crying smilie here >

:(. That’s too bad CG. I hope he gets it back to where it should be.

(Uh-oh, I haven’t backed up my stuff…)

Do use use seperate partitions or drives for your OS and storage?

I suppose since I have this DVD burner I should do a back-up…

Nope. I’m soo screwed.

I’m days away from launching a very intricate site too.

too bad cg cuz i was praying really hard…:frown:

I hope that guy fixes your comp CG. And if not, hopefully the hard drive is salvagable. You could get your data back atleast (if thats the case).

I personally have 2 external firewire hard drives I use for back up. Actually, one is backup, the other I use to store everything… making my computer hard drives more or less backup to that. I like having all my info portable - I pretty regularly carry my one hard drive with me to and from work. But they’re great to have. If something happens to the computer, at least my data is safe (as long as it doesnt carry over to the external).

A quick and dirty way to atleast get the data is to toss in a new drive with a good OS then try to access the other drive. That is of course assuming it was the OS that crashed…

did u try system restore???

is that option on an OS cuz its on windows…i have never used a mac be4

nope i think he has to do a clean install on a mac i dont even think he can install on top of his previous install :-/ think not 100% sure but the best option me you get someone with a Mac and put your drive on it and pray you can access the data otehr wise kss your @zz goodbye

holy crap am I nervous.

I don’t care about anything except the files for two sites that were solely on that machine and some posters and brochures that I’ve yet to send to print (which I should’ve sent yesterday OUch!) I could get by without the rest but I’m dreading having to be late on delivery and looking like an irresponsible arse for not having backups.

On top of that the guy I hired could really screw me over as I made it all too clear that I desparately needed these files asap.

Also, could everyone pray that the computer dude doesn’t give me a bill for $1,000 tommorrow. :upset:

i’m praying for you buddy.

same here man, that really sucks :frowning:

hope everything is fine by now… I got a blue screen 2 times too ever since I bought this laptop… it was freaking me out… the second times tho forced me to format my HD and install a new winXP (from home to pro).

here you go bro :beam:

Google blows me away once again… :lol:

well of all Knowledge, bless my computer
Every work for which it is used
Every one who finds it useful

Preserve, O God, the software from corruption
Keep, O Christ, The hardware from harm
Sustain, O Spirit, a constant, steady flow of power

Protect it, St. Michael, from physical harm
Protect it, St. Arial, from storm and surge
Protect it, St. Gabriel, that no virus is sent or received

Operating system and applications,
documents and drivers
Hardrive and monitor;
printer, scanner and keyboard
And the flow of energy
to every part thereof

Creator of all, be creating beauty and good with my hands
Logos of creation, order my thoughts and my work
Spirit of inspiration, inspire all who see what I create

Watch, Virgin Mother and St. Columba, as I journey on the net
Blind, Pure Mary and St. Herve’, my eyes from every evil
Return, Celestial Shepherdess and St. Christopher, me safe from the journey

With Mary Mother and all saints to keep me pure
With the Three and all angels to protect me
I will continue unharmed and unscathed
This day and always
I will continue unharmed and unscathed
This day and always

lol fester. I needed a good laugh

Still no word. I won’t hear anything for 3 hours. This worries me very much.

Man, it’s like having a loved one in major surgery. That guy is charging like a doctor too, $100 bucks an hour! That’s alot, even in Canada! good luck man you have may prayers.

Have you maybe uploaded any files for the client to view the work in progress?

I wish you the best of luck as well. Once my friend was working on the internal structure of my computer and sent a shock through the boards killing everything in the computer. I was freakn out thinking all my stuff was gone. Luckily the hardrive was safe in the end so i only needed to buy new boards. I didnt care cause the information was safe tho. :S

(And now i do all the internal work on my computer)

~ Lacuna :love:

Well I have 8 of 12 page layouts for one site but they’re only medium quality jpegs. No flash files, no photography, no html, no chance.

I’m pleased to announce that my $100 an hour guy got everything back!

Tommorrow afternoon I can pick up my computer and resume my normal life again.


Congrats CG!!! See there is a computer God.